05 (Five) Days Specialised In-service Training Course on "Role of CWPO & SJPU for the Care & Protection of Children Under JJ (C&PC) Act-2015 & Odisha JJ Rule-2018" scheduled to be held from 20
th Jun to 24
th Jun 2022 at Bpspa, Odisha, Bhubaneswar

03 (Three) Days Specialised In-service Training Programme on "Investigation in POCSO Cases" for Police Officers from the rank of SI To Addl.S.P, scheduled to be held from 20
th Jun to 22
nd Jun 2022 at Bpspa, Odisha, Bhubaneswar

2 Days Online Specialised In-Service Training Programme on "Road Safety" Organised by BPSPA for the Rank of ASI/ SI/ Insp. to be held from 28
th and 29
th December, 2020.

2 Days Online Specialised In-Service Training Programme on "Court Craft & Trial Monitoring" Organised by BPSPA for the Rank of SI/ Insp/ Dy.SP to be held from 21
st and 22
nd December, 2020.

5 Days Training Programme on "Safety of Women for Investigating Officers" Sponsored by BPR&D for the Rank of SI/ Insp/ Dy.SP to be held from 17
th and 21
st September, 2019.

5 Days Training Programme on "Economic Crime Cases" Sponsored by BPR&D for the Rank of SI/ Insp/ Dy.SP to be held from 16
th and 20
th September, 2019.

2 Days Training Programme on "Human Trafficking: Causes and Remedies" Sponsored by UNICEF for the Rank of SI/ Insp/ Dy.SP/ Addl. SP to be held from 29
th and 30
th Jun, 2018.

2 Days Training Programme on "Combating Violence against Women and Children" for the Rank of ASI/ SI/ Insp/ Dy.SP to be held from 26
th and 27
th Jun, 2018.

2 Days Training Programme on "Engaging with Media" for the Rank of ASI/ SI/ Insp/ Dy.SP to be held from 21
st and 22
nd Jun, 2018.

3 Days Training Programme on "VIP Security " for the Rank of ASI/ SI/ Insp to be held from 18
th and 20
th Jun, 2018.

Sri Arun Kumar Sarangi, IPS (RR-1990) Joined as Addl. D.G. of Police, Training & Director, BPSPA on 21
st March, 2018

Sri M. K. Chhabra, IPS (RR-1988) Joined as Addl. D.G. of Police, Training-cum-Director, BPSPA on 23
rd June, 2017.

2 Days Training Programme on "Orientation of Mahila Sishu Desk/ SJPU Officers" (1
st Batch) Sponsored by UNICEF, Odisha, Bhubaneswar, Participation Level is of the Rank of ASI/ SI/ Insp/ SDPO/ Dy.SP & ACP to be held from 8
th and 9
th Jun, 2017.

2 Days Training Programme on "Orientation of DSP, HRPC" (1
st Batch) Sponsored by UNICEF, Odisha, Bhubaneswar, Participation Level is of all District Inspector/ DSP/ SDPO/ Dy.SP & ACP to be held from 26
th and 27
th May, 2017.

2 Days Training Programme on "Combating Violence Against Women & Girls" for the Police Personnel of the Rank of ASIs/ SIs/ INSPRs/ DY.Ss.P. to be held from 18
th and 19
th May, 2017.

2 Days Training Programme on "Training of Master Trainer" (1
st Batch) from UNICEF, Odisha, Bhubaneswar, Participation Level is of the Rank of Inspectors & above to be held from 10
th and 11
th May, 2017.